Dr. Jorg Demmel: Development of CFC-Fixtures for industrial heat treatment
17th Oct. 2023, In: 32nd Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition, Detroit, MI, USA
Dr. Jorg Demmel: CFC Fixture Advantages and Challenges in Vacuum Heat Treatment, Part2
13th Mar. 2023, HEAT TREAT TODAY, USA
Dr. Jorg Demmel:
CFC Fixture Advantages and Challenges in Vacuum Heat Treatment, Part1
14th Nov. 2022, HEAT TREAT TODAY, USA
Dr. Jorg Demmel: Why CFC-Fixtures are a Must for Modern Heat Treaters
30th Sept. 2020, FNA 2020 Technical Session Processes & Quality, USA
Jorg Demmel: Werkstoffe für Ingenieurwerkstoffe, Vorteile & Anwendungen von Faserverbundkeramik in der Produktion or Materials for high temperature processes Advantages and Applications of CMCs, part 2
Sept. 2000, VDI Ingenieur Werkstoffe, Konstruktion, p. 63-66
Jorg Demmel: Werkstoffe für Ingenieurwerkstoffe Stähle, Metalle, Keramiken und verstärkte Werkstoffe or Materials for high temperature processes Steels, Metals, Ceramics and reinforced Materials, part 1
April 2000, VDI Ingenieur Werkstoffe, p. 35-38
Jorg Demmel, Joachim Esch: Handling robot ensures competitive advantage, hardening shop: symbiosis of new materials and automation
April 1996, Produktion, Verlag Moderne Industrie GmbH mi connect, p. 9
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