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More than 25 Publications since 1996 - some downloads ⬇️:

Dr. Jorg Demmel: Development of CFC-Fixtures for industrial heat treatment

17th Oct. 2023, In: 32nd Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition, Detroit, MI, USA

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Dr. Jorg Demmel: CFC Fixture Advantages and Challenges in Vacuum Heat Treatment, Part2

13th Mar. 2023, HEAT TREAT TODAY, USA

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Dr. Jorg Demmel:
CFC Fixture Advantages and Challenges in Vacuum Heat Treatment, Part1

14th Nov. 2022, HEAT TREAT TODAY, USA

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Dr. Jorg Demmel: Why CFC-Fixtures are a Must for Modern Heat Treaters

30th Sept. 2020, FNA 2020 Technical Session Processes & Quality, USA

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Dr. Jorg Demmel: A new Generation of Fixtures changes Heat Treatment
14th Mar. 2020, my first LinkedIn Article, worldwide and USA
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Dr. Jorg Demmel: Advanced CFC Fixture Applications, their scientific challenges and economic benefits
15th Oct. 2019, In: 30th Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition, Detroit, MI, USA
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Jorg Demmel, et al: Productivity, quality & efficiency increase in high temperature processes
7th Nov. 2001, In: 21st Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, USA
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Jorg Demmel, et al: High Temperature Racks
Aug/Sept 2001, Heat Treating Progress, pages 26-32
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Jorg Demmel, Pedro Gonzalez-Rechea: Automating High Temperature Processes
Oct. 2001, Heat Treating Progress, p. 51-57
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Jorg Demmel: Werkstoffe für Ingenieurwerkstoffe, Vorteile & Anwendungen von Faserverbundkeramik in der Produktion or Materials for high temperature processes Advantages and Applications of CMCs, part 2

Sept. 2000, VDI Ingenieur Werkstoffe, Konstruktion, p. 63-66

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Jorg Demmel: Werkstoffe für Ingenieurwerkstoffe Stähle, Metalle, Keramiken und verstärkte Werkstoffe or Materials for high temperature processes Steels, Metals, Ceramics and reinforced Materials, part 1

April 2000, VDI Ingenieur Werkstoffe, p. 35-38

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Jorg Demmel, Joachim Esch: Handling robot ensures competitive advantage, hardening shop: symbiosis of new materials and automation

April 1996, Produktion, Verlag Moderne Industrie GmbH mi connect, p. 9

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Charging Solutions
Charging Solutions

Ingenious CFC Fixtures

The brand actual oral presentation given at the Technical Program at the Heat Treat 2019 on 15th Oct. was an outstanding summary of the challenges and potentials of ingenious CFC Fixtures for Heat Treatment Industry. 

The main advantages are an increased furnace capacity up to + 100 %, reduced distortion and re-work of the work pieces up to - 90 % and a much longer equipment life cycles up to + 500 %.

Ask us for the difference! It pays off!
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